The Light Shines On!

She volunteers in her local soup kitchen serving food with a smile and a gracious word.  They look forward to seeing her there because her presence has become an encouragement.  They can see bright Light shining through her.

He helps construct a house that will be someone’s home, teaching the younger man working with him with patience and kindness.   The younger man does his very best to do things well and looks forward to going to work every day just so he can see that bright Light again.

She works hard to meet her deadlines so her co workers can meet theirs. She works cheerfully and well, often solving problems before anyone else finds out about them. The others love to work with her because she inspires them to do their best work too…and because they can see the bright Light that shines through her.

He works long days and into the evening preparing the soil for growth.  He smiles as he waters and nurtures the tender young plants coming from the earth bringing new life.  He is a wise source of inspiration to those who work along side because there is this bright Light that is always on…

She spends more time than is expected of her to see that every detail is in order and that all is ready for every committment. Her gracious attention to detail ensures a smooth and pleasant experience even when the unexpected comes.  There is alway a Plan B or C ready to be implemented.  There are many happy apreciative people who see clearly that the bright Light is ON!

Where did the Light come from?

…from a tiny baby boy born in a dark place 2000 years ago.  His Light still shines.  Through you, through me.

When you give water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, give your extra clothes to the poor, when you care for the sick, visit those in prison, or show hospitality to the stranger.   (Matt 25: 35-36) Maybe we can’t all do all these things, but what we can do allows the Light to shine on.

How do you capture this Light? You just  have to recieve it…it’s free…no strings attached…Believe.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.  John 3:16

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”.  John 1:5

Welcome the Child and His love this year as never before.  Shine On!




Slow Down! Let His Light Shine!

The Apostle Paul in  2 Corinthians said something like:  The light of the glory of God shines from the faces of those who turn to God. (those who repent). They can’t help it.  The glow is a result of the relationship – the close relationship between God and His beloved.

When Christians see other Christians neither has to veil their faces – for neither is blinded by the Light, yet each  recognizes what the Light means in the other.  It means there is a personal relationship with the Creator God through His Son, Jesus the Christ.   It should be clear Whose we are.

But we live in a world that turns away from and even violently rejects the Light.  We live in a fallen world – at least for now – that provides distraction after distraction with so little effort it seems.  Some of our distractions are good things, things we should be concerned about.  But it is possible to become TOO busy.  So busy that we don’t notice the things we should.

Our lives are FULL of things to do, places to go, things to plan, people to care for, lists to make and then carry out….it just keeps going!  And it’s about to get much worse – if we let it.  We can be so tied to schedules and our own lists that we might not notice what is there for us to see – the life that needs God’s glory to shine on them. From you.  Could be that homeless lady at the food pantry, or the child looking up at you in the grocery store.  Could be the driver of a vehicle close to you in snarled traffic.  Could be that loved one…but will you notice? …  Will I?  Have we left no time to listen to the voices of those who need us?  Will we just rush right on past an opportunity to be a blessing? or to receive one?  Are we looking for those who need the Light to shine on them?

Maybe we need a fresh dose of His Light in our own lives, perhaps we are blinded by distraction.

Dear Heavenly Father,

As we approach the most wonderful time of the year when our hearts need to be stirred to remember the Greatest Gift ever given we confess that we are too busy.  We need Your Grace to fill us and overflow from us onto all the people you place in our lives.  We need to stop and listen for Your Word that speaks softly so that we may find that comfort and JOY choirs will soon sing about.  We need Your guidance to know when to say the little word “no” to over committment so that we can make room for You in our celebrations.

If the WORD lives in your heart, it will shine out through your eyes

be in the words you speak, the thoughts you think,

and the actions you take. 

A really short devotion: Romans 12

A genuine relationship with Christ will be evident in our lives.

Romans 12 talks about different gifts. People have different gifts and talents, I believe that because I’ve seen it. You have too. Some are good at building things with their hands and others excel at building consensus with words.

Maybe we’re called to do different things at different times. In response to God’s call we can and maybe are developing the foundation for more than one gift as we move through life.

Or perhaps as a result of growing closer to Him we are able to do more than we thought?

When we experience the change in our lives the power of the Holy Spirit brings, it effects the way we think and behave, the words we say, and fundamentally influences the witness we have in this world. The Holy Spirit brings a new way of thinking, a new way of BEING in the world and effects the way the world influences us. We are nurtured by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we grow and we change. We change for the better, and we just can’t help it! And that is just fine.

Dear Father,

What a thoughtful God you are!  You give us gifts and then you put us together with people who have complementary gifts!   I hope it gives You JOY as you mold and develop those gifts.  Use us and these your gifts for your honor and glory today and everyday.  Amen

Now what about you?   Take a moment and think about the gifts you are thankful for today.

Heaven has gained a Saint: William (Bill) L. Arthur

About 15 years ago, we had an interim pastor come to lead us while our search committee worked to find our new permanent pastor. He had been a pastor all his career and decided that he could best be useful in the interim role for his last ten years or so before his retirement.  Interim pastors are so important to the life of the church.  They bring a fresh perspective and a different way of doing things as they manage the day to day ministry of the church.   They allow mission and ministry to continue and even begin new ones during their time in the church.  Bill did all those things and more.

He joined right into the life and work of the church, accepting the people, listening to their stories and sharing laughter and sorrow as together we experienced the abundant grace of being part of God’s family.  He shared his accordion at church events as well as his rich gift of laughter with young and old alike.  He went to Montreat Worship and Music week with a group of us and didn’t even complain about our choice of housing.  It did have about a hundred million steps up from the road to get to the porch and goodness knows most of us did complain or at least we huffed and puffed loudly as we made our way to the top.

Bill had a way of discerning the gifts of others – even those gifts they had not yet discovered for themselves.  Then he mentored those individuals until the fruits were visible.  Bill loved to sing and once or twice even loaned his tenor voice to the choir for a special event.  Everyone loved Bill, perhaps because it was clear that Bill loved everyone.

When his time among us was over, we were saddened, but glad for him at the same time because he was one step closer to his dream of retirement and spending time with his growing family.  On his last Sunday with us we had a little party after church for which some of us shared our thoughts about our time with Bill.  I was one asked to say a few words.  On that day there was nothing better for me to say than to quote the words of Paul to Philemon, verse 7: “ Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints”.

Fast forward to the morning of October 28, 2014.  I was reading my devotional which just happened to be Philemon.  As I got to verse 7 it brought back vivid memories of Bill and I took a moment to remember him fondly once again.  I did not know this morning that Bill was gone from this earth; I only learned several hours later that Bill’s ultimate dream of seeing Jesus face to face had now come true.  I know that Jesus and Bill are having a jolly laugh together and that Bill has received his new clothes and had the honor of hearing God say “well done”.   One day we will see Jesus and Bill along with many other saints as together we join in one great big reunion party.  Praise God for this wonderful man and the life he led among us.

A jug and jar full of grace: I Kings17:7-24

A widow with a young son is near the city gate gathering sticks to build the fire over which she believes she will prepare the last of her bread. There has been famine in the land for many years and there is no hope of obtaining more oil and flour especially now that her husband has died. We are not told how long she has been a widow struggling to survive and care for her son. Perhaps her husband succumbed to malnutrition because he gave his bread to his wife and young son. Whatever the reason, the widow believes that she and her son do not have long to live.

Then a stranger from neighboring Israel comes to the gate and asks for water and as she turns to get it he adds a request for bread. She tells him “as surely as the Lord your God lives, I don’t have any bread – only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug…” But the stranger is the Lord’s prophet, Elijah who tells her not to be afraid. He also tells her that she should make his small loaf of bread first and then use the rest of the flour to make some bread for herself and her son. “for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”

She makes no reply but does as she is asked. Elijah’s loaf of bread is made and then she bakes more for herself and her son. The next day, there is still enough in the jar and the jug to make more bread. Did she wonder how this could be? Did she wonder each day if this would be the last batch? Then as the 4th, 5th, and all mornings were the same, did she grow to expect there would be flour and oil enough for each day’s needs? I can only imagine her amazement as each morning she lifts the jar of flour off the shelf to peer inside – and miraculously there is flour there yet again!

I imagine Elijah playing with the little boy in the evening, telling him stories from the Scriptures and teaching him new things. I imagine Elijah shares the stories with the widow as well and as she sees more evidence every day in her jug and jar that Elijah’s God is real her heart must yearn to have this God too. She needs God.   We need God.

She will soon see the power of Elijah’s God in a much more intense way when her son becomes ill and dies. Elijah takes the boy quickly to his room where he puts him on his bed. He cries out to God and stretches himself out over the child three times. As he covers the child with his body, he prays fervently that God would make the child live again.

God heard Elijah and had mercy on the child and his mother. Elijah then gets the wonderful blessing of returning the child to his mother, whole, well and very much alive.

The widow had doubtless heard of the God of Israel since she lived so close to Israel. She might have heard rumors about the amazing things He had done. But now she has been the beneficiary of God’s grace and mercy. She has a jar, a jug and a heart full of stories to tell her friends and neighbors now that Elijah has been visiting. I know that her grateful mother’s heart would have been thankful to God every day for the gift of life given to her son. And as the famine ended and rain descended on the land once again, and as her healthy son ran and played with the other children, she would lift her face heavenward and lift her own prayer of thanksgiving.

We have much to be thankful for since Jesus our Lord paid the price for our sinfulness and made salvation available to everyone. The jug and jar of God’s grace never run dry.

“For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile – the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’.” Romans 10:12-13

Is the PC (USA) looking for the Way, the Truth and the Life?


PC (USA) leaders encourage those who are disaffected by the recent decisions of their General Assembly to stay with the denomination and try to effect change from within the system. But the system itself has become a forum for political debate instead of spiritual awakening.  One of the several points seemingly up for debate is how to obtain salvation.   Really? If that isn’t enough there are others – Israeli divestment issues, abortion, same sex marriage, and so much more.  To stay inside this PC (USA) under these circumstances communicates to the world that we are okay with creative non answers to basic questions of salvation that cater more to the culture than to Scripture.  They would have us to believe that pretty much anything “loving” is acceptable.  How sad!  Just an anything goes attitude is very definitely not acceptable.  Not just to some of us, but in the eyes of God.  Consider these verses, try different translations, or go back to the source material.  The implication that just about anything goes cannot be found here.

“This is the verdict:  Light has come into the world but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.  But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God”.            John 3:19-21

We need to be careful not to “conform to the pattern of this world” so that we may find “His good pleasing and perfect will”.      Romans 12:2.

People have always sinned.  Some ask for forgiveness out of repentant hearts, receive it and continue in grace.  Others look for excuses and choose to spin the Truth seeking justification for their acts done in the darkness. But there is only ONE justification for our sins:

“He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification”. (Romans 4:25)

“Through Him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the Law of Moses”. (Acts 13:39)

There is no justification without Jesus, who said,

“I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  If you really know me, you will know my Father as well”.  John 13:6-7a

And of course there is John 3:16 which is so crystal clear:  “For God so loved the world  that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him might be saved”.  Try something here, read it this way:  “For God so loved (insert your name) that He gave His only Son that (your name) might be saved”.  Pause now and take a moment to realize in your heart that He would have done this for you even if you were the only human on earth to rescue.

When you have been rescued and forgiven, God places a desire deep within you to serve God, to study His Word, pray, fellowship and serve with other believers.

Some would instead encourage us into useless debate.  Are you aware of a 2010 report published by the PC (USA) entitled “Religious and Demographic Profile of Presbyterians” which revealed that “less than half (of Presbyterians in the PC (USA))…believe Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation”?  Less than half? Only 35% of pastors and 45% percent of elders agree that Jesus is the only way to salvation.  This is an incredible report.  is this acceptable to you?  And do the rest of the people think they have just joined some kind of social club? What’s the point without the saving grace found only through Jesus Christ?  Why would God sacrifice His only Son if there was any other way to save us?  If there was another truth?

Additionally PC (USA) leaders have been asked for the Biblical justification for one of their recent decisions.  Their answer was a non-answer.  They referred to a couple of books written by non-seminarians with agendas to forward. There was no Light and no Truth, therefore, there is no Way that they gave an acceptable answer. Maybe they were doing their best to satisfy the requirements of their jobs. Call me naive but when you have found the Way, the Truth and the Life why would you willingly turn away? When you have been forgiven and freed from the guilt of your sins why would you want to throw that away in order to return to the deeds done in the darkness?

They point out that we can stay and continue our missions wherever we feel led and the decisions of the General Assembly should not be an undue burden to us.  But friends, one can only share the salvation story and introduce people to Jesus and His grace when the effort is soaked in the love of God and carried out under God’s direction.  I fear if we abandon sound Biblical teaching in favor of that which “itches the ears” perhaps God’s voice and leadership will not be heard among us at all.

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.  But you, keep your head in all situations”.  2 Timothy 4:3-5a

Further, we are asked to stay because they need conservative voices to contribute to the conversation.  Clearly The PC (USA) does not really want to hear or heed conservative voices.  Read today’s news to see that the world desperately needs to experience the Truth in action, not just in words.  We need to carry the truth to the world and to the neighbors in our back yard far more than the PC (USA) needs us to stay and debate. How is it that God’s truth is debatable anyway?   But Thanks Be to God! There is forgiveness – consider again the Sacred Scripture references previously mentioned, open your Bible, you will find forgiveness and so much more.  The Way, the Truth and the Life waits.  Don’t let it wait too long.



The Distraction of Second Best: Finding real treasure instead

Samuel continued as Israel’s leader all the days of his life. From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places. But he always went back to Ramah, where his home was, and there he also held court for Israel. And he built an altar there to the Lord.   I Samuel 7:15-17

The people of Israel were being oppressed by their enemies. God was disciplining his people so He allowed this oppression. Their disobedience and lack of faith brought judgment but they thought it was because they didn’t have a human king. Their enemies had human kings after all so why couldn’t they? They went to Samuel and asked for a king to lead them. Samuel was not pleased with this idea. Maybe he thought the people were rejecting his leadership. As he prayed to God about this new problem, God said “…it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king” (I Samuel 8:7b). Again. They were rejecting God again –as they had many times before.

I imagine God frowning and heaving a sigh as he told Samuel that He would give the people what they wanted. A human king. Second best. A distant second at that.

As a kid did you ever want something so badly that you could hardly wait until you got it? Maybe you saved your allowance for a month or two until you could go buy it. Maybe you worked odd jobs around the neighborhood, or sold lemonade in your front yard. You did this because you thought it was the best, it was going to be the most fun, the top of the line. Or maybe it was because everybody else had one. In any case it was the best – right up until 30 minutes after you got it. That’s about when you lost interest or it got broken.

As adults we pursue the next electronic gadget, whether hand held or hanging against the wall in the living room. We pursue the next rung up the ladder, the next accomplishment, the next raise, the next recognition, award or accolade. We pursue these things in the misguided belief that they make life better, more satisfying, more fulfilling. No they really don’t. Like the toy you wanted as a child, these things leave you disappointed, empty and unfulfilled. You settled for second best.

What is this fascination with second best? Why can’t we let God give us the BEST? Or maybe He already has. What about that incredibly talented daughter? Or the loving faithful spouse? How about the love shared by an extended family engaged in loving banter or playing games and sharing secrets and hugs? It’s not the stranger who might recognize something you accomplished that really matters in the scheme of things. It’s the relationship you have with God that matters most. It’s faith in God that gets you from here to eternity. The love you share with your family and those you choose as family are the sweetest blessings of this life. That’s the real treasure. Not the ones with dollar signs, or pretty gold seals, nor is it the sound of the applause of strangers. If you have ears that really hear and eyes that really see, you know this is true. Hug your family, pray for them and care for them. And may God always help you resist the distraction of second best.

Moving is not the end of the world; Watching Daddy

Moving around a lot can be hard because some of what you leave is not something you could take with you.  Those are things like your best friend, your favorite teacher, the creek where you learned to swim, the nice lady at the candy store down the street (she ALWAYS gave away candy and didn’t mind if the neighborhood kids played in the back of the store.  Monopoly games could go on for days.) There were trails through the woods down to the creek where you used to ride bikes or those little motor cycles – Honda 50s I think they were.

Our family moved around because of my daddy’s job.  I should say because of his “calling”.  Daddy was a preacher whose ministry seemed to be most effective in the smaller rural church setting.  He went where he felt God wanted him to go and he stayed until he felt God calling him somewhere else.  He was a happy man most of the time; my memories are mostly about his laughter, his sense of humor, his easy way with people and the way he let you know you were loved.  He seemed to feel at home wherever he was.  I think he must have been really fond of fried chicken too, because that is what everyone wanted to feed us when we were invited over for Sunday lunch.   He liked his tea “southern sweet” and his okra extra crispy – both preferences my mom tried to break him from but never quite succeeded.

He was a blessed man.  Why? He was blessed because he didn’t try to fight against God’s leadership to hold on to something or someone else.  He didn’t plead or beg for just a few more years in one place before we went to the next.  He didn’t cry himself to sleep at night when it became clear another move was coming. After all he did have me for that. (Hey, it was after my sophomore year in high school!) And though I kicked against the idea that time, I watched my daddy’s resolution and his steadiness and yes his happiness.  And I learned.

There are some good things about moving frequently.  Starting over with people who don’t know you can be to your advantage.  The people in the new town won’t know about the time you were two and your big brothers were supposed to be watching you and you ended up crying on the steps of the school house down the road.  They won’t know the book mobile lady rescued you and took you home to the intense embarrassment of your brothers and the wrath of the MOTHER.  They won’t know about all the times you went across the street to play with a friend all by yourself at the mature age of four and without the MOTHER knowing you had that in mind.  (I must say my mom learned fast.  If she looked around and I wasn’t’ there, she knew where to look.)  They won’t remember the time you and your friends got in big trouble for giggling in church while holding down the back pew.  WHY IS EVERYTHING SO MUCH FUNNIER WHEN YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO LAUGH?!!

I learned another very valuable lesson.  I learned Who is in control. I learned how it feels to be cared for even when no one else really knows me.  I learned (very deep sigh here) that I don’t always know what is best for me and that God does indeed have a plan.  Learning to always trust in that plan is a lifelong endeavor – especially since I can’t predict the future.  I don’t know how to let go very well.  I struggle with a constant desire to maintain control and have feelings of frustration when I can’t.   And so, I come before my heavenly Father to say this:

Gracious Father,

I don’t know where our church family will end up.  I don’t know who will go, who will stay and who will be drawn in for a fresh start in their lives.  I only know that you can be trusted and that I need to listen for your voice leading me as you have led so many before.  You have proven your love for us over and over!   As you led your children out of slavery into the Promised Land, as you led David to the throne, Ester to the palace, John to the wilderness and Jesus to the cross, Lord lead us now.  We are in this place for “such a time as this”.     Amen.

Note:  If you recognize some of these stories we might have known each other!  I’d love to hear from you.  (hints:  Hopewell, Flint Hill, Spring Creek)

So What do We have to lose? Part 2 of 2

(Continued from yesterday)
As you know if you’ve read previous posts I am not happy with the PC (USA) right now. My church has embarked on a course of action that cannot end well. This has saddened me, but also galvanized me to speak out in a way I never have before. I am much more comfortable sitting on the pew telling myself that someone with more knowledge than I will come forward and fix all that is broken. I can’t do that anymore. I am moving way out of my comfort zone in sharing my thoughts and convictions with you and I know not everyone agrees with what I have said and what I will say. It is not my intention to stir up controversy, but with God’s help to be ready with answers when called upon to account for my position. I am willing to enter into productive conversation on the topic that helps me explore my positions and helps you explore yours.


The General Assembly of the PC (USA) would ask us how staying affiliated with them hurts our mission and ministry. The PC (USA) left us choosing instead to participate with the culture instead of offering the culture a better choice. This hampers our mission by distorting our message! It forces us to be associated with ideas and politics that are not in line with Biblical teaching. It makes the world look at us and identify us with questionable endorsements – and divestments.

I have some better questions.

Does the PC (USA) project an image to the world that makes us proud of its recent and not so recent decisions? Does it represent me (and many others) or my views on the world, the culture, politics and now finally and most glaring of all – in living out my faith? Is this an organization that we would want to welcome others to join?

Consider parents who want to find a church home in which to raise their children. Will they be drawn to a church that gives so much attention to political and cultural themes instead of Scriptural integrity? Or will they be drawn to a family of believers more concerned with teaching and maintaining sound Biblical principles if and when that stand is in opposition to the world around them? Would people with or without children be drawn to a family of believers that loves and supports each other and stands ready even with little notice to respond to a crisis?

I don’t want to be different for the sake of being different, but my friends we are called by God to be different! The debt of love we owe to God for His undying unconditional love and the sacrifice of His only Son for us can never be repaid no matter how good we try to be. The least we can do is to live out our redeemed lives in love
and obedience to Him! That may be the least we can do, but it is also enough. With God’s help, we can be the light that shines into the dark world around us and leads others through the deceptions of this world into the light and love of God.

That kind of witness is what we have to lose.

What are you looking for?

What do we have to lose? Part One of Two

question mark

The question has been posed:  What mission could we not do by staying in the PC (USA)?

In other words, how will the General Assembly of the PC (USA)’s decisions change what you do as a church? Does remaining affiliated with PC (USA) hurt your mission and ministry? How does it affect you and the life of your church on a day to day basis?

Excellent questions! Makes some stop and say “Hum, I should probably give that some thought.”That is what such questions are designed to do, make one stop and think through the answer and form an intelligent reply.

So here’s my stab at a response. It may not be the most intelligent, but it has been a long prayerful and thought-full process.

First I need to say that our church will continue to support missions both locally and internationally no matter our denominational affiliation. Leaving the PC (USA) does not limit our options; in fact it may provide an opportunity to broaden them. Have you seen the number of mission organizations that need help? Google is a good tool to find them. And if you have a favorite PC (USA) endorsed mission organization such as PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Relief) or MBF (Medical Benevolence Foundation) you can keep right on supporting them in any way you see fit. Habitat for Humanity will still look up to see various members of our congregation coming out to help, local underserved young people will still get school supplies, babies will get baby kits, neighborhood children will still get summer lunches, VBS and/or summer camp opportunities, and moms in underdeveloped countries will still receive mosquito netting to prevent malaria. I could go on, but you get the idea.

So what do we have to lose by remaining affiliated with PC (USA)? We lose integrity. We lose credibility with the world around us.  We may even lose souls for Christ. We lose direction by participating with a denomination that no longer supports Biblical truths but sways and bends with the cultural and political winds that blow. We lose the close fellowship of an obedient walk with Christ.  We lose things I haven’t even thought of yet.


More tomorrow…